
Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Dance Salsa

The sauce is an institution in most Latin cultures, and listening to salsa music blaring from the kitchen and the car every time the dance halls. In Jennifer Lopez Ricky Martin Ricky Ricardo and Tito Puente, the salsa music (or pop-infused sauce) from time to time not in the American charts. This article will discuss the basics of dance to the beat.

Salsa is a dance partner, though it differs from many in a very basic way: bystep, the men and women move in the same way. As with most partner dances, the man uses his arms and hands to direct the woman's body.

Salsa dancing is done in a count of eight.

1-move the left foot one step ahead

Two-step right foot in place

3-draw left foot back to meet the right

4-time standing with feet side by side

5-move your right foot step back

6-step left foot in place

7-move your right foot back in line withleft

8-break with your feet side by side.

Another variation takes him from side to side instead of side to side. This time on a count of 6 - can be split between a step or two bars at the end:

1-step right foot back, falling from standing behind the midpoint between the right foot where he was and where his left foot.

2-put weight on the right foot, step in place with the left.

3-lead right foot back to be on the left side (shoulder widthpart)

4-step left foot back as you did with your right

5-putting weight on his left foot, step in the right place

6-foot put back together.

All movement is done with the feet and hips, upper body remains rigid, as if working at a plant separate from the lower body.

Some styles of Latin dances like the tango, are very hard to tomato is not one of these dances. The most important thing to remember when you move your salsaingbody with the music - if you feel the rhythm, taking you wherever you go.

Thanks To : Lightweight baby stroller Baby Stroller Baby food formula Atlantis Health