The experience of a great dance company, it is equally important to develop skills, as does the following competencies to be developed. Therefore, the myth: "All you need is a good leader, and I understand nothing" - is only partly true. Only after good ability of the leader may dance with the power and strength - so that torque to get the balance and control and ensure that both partners have to dance.
One often hears the man (evencalled to tell the boss): "Listen, because - just follow." Well, that only when the woman called (as follower) knows the works "as" and "what to follow."
There are two fundamental aspects of the following:
The "how" - the development of our structure and connection
The "thing" - focusing on the difference between "purpose" and "movement"
Development of our structure and connection - Ballroom (closed)
The actual frame (or closed position) is composed of threeThe focal points - the triangle between the couple:
The first lady puts her right hand in his left hand man.
The second man puts his right hand on left shoulder blade of women
The third woman puts her left hand under the man's right shoulder.
This triangle has a closed bottom and an open side. It 'important to note that his successor should resist "falling" to the right or open side of the triangle. This can be corrected by the knowledge of our position"Block" - (hips, shoulders and chest aligned - and his head above his left wrist.) Verify that the right toe is not turned into
The "connection" is a bit 'more unrealistic and complex than building the framework or embrace. First, discard the idea that we give people the "resistance." Instead, followers focus on keeping your elbows slightly in front of the hips and hands forward and up at any time. Another very important aspect of the linkThe activation of the core. (If you have attended classes in the mouth, you know your core business, if not, work on Strengthening the abdomen and sternum, so that following your heart - to support your business block "and arms in one piece.) In the next section, the intention and movement, "we will continue on the arms and elbows and talking point to a simple exercise.
The focus on the difference between "purpose" and "move"
If the leader hasPreparing to move forward, it is primarily his supporting foot compress downward. This will start again from the pressure on his upper body and, therefore, signaled its intention to convince the woman back. Note here that the simple "point to an intent" to the lady. This is the critical point where many followers misread the lead. Once you feel that the intention - to move immediately. However, if the lady feels the intention, they should be on the anchor leg and squeeze a man to remain untilBegins to move. This is worth repeating. Do not move if you feel the pressure to move or "purpose", but remain on the supporting foot forward and press (and later) and wait for the real movement.
Easy Exercise
During this period we will again discuss the core Dame, arms and shoulders. If the man who indicates the intention several times is the successor to collapse and elbows or shoulders. (Think of the follower's task is to simply keep your body forwarda piece.) For a better understanding of this concept, try this simple exercise:
Stand with your feelings about 9 "from a wall or behind closed doors - the weight on his toes. Continue the sternum (easy to remove the breast) and place your hands on the door or wall. Follow the simple support your body - no real pressure on the door that is. you should feel comfortable as your body when you're able to dance. times before only to stay and support your weight.It 'important to understand that this position trailer creation are not Heavy - But Is the leader of leverage for us with strength and confidence.
These concepts require a little 'thinking and practice, but when they finally understand "how" and "follow" what you and your partner will enjoy the dance!
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