
Friday, July 29, 2011

How to Dance - twists and turns of the series - Swivel inside

latin dance shoe

Turn and are fun to do, however, requires some specific skills. First, be aware of the different types of curves and the most common problems that can arise. Then you're ready to begin your adventure in turn.


In short, there are only two directions in which you can turn on one foot, foot to the outside or inside of the foot. For example, if you stand on the left foot and turn leftturn outward from the supporting foot, if you turn right, turn into the stand.

From these directions, you can execute five types of shifts or rotations:

Inside Swivel
Spiral turns
Pivot turns
Active Giro

By learning these five types of actions will meet on track to face any kind of displacement or rotation in any model.


UsThere are four major factors that can affect your ability to turn:

Their ability to maintain balance in the column on the supporting leg
Its ability to rotate the foot enough support to complete the turn
His ability to create energy for change
Its ability to absorb the energy of around

We presented the first factor in our previous edition: ". Ballroom dancing lesson - better balance for best dance"

In this issuefocuses on the second factor - the ability to rotate in the stand.


(Print this page so you can try this exercise, as we read).

This exercise will allow the rotation of the foot support and develop the habit of keeping the free leg to support the leg before switching.

Stand with your right side next to a table or kitchen counter. Put your right hand on the counter. Stand with your feettogether and their weight into the ball of your right foot.

Take a large step forward with left foot - pushing the bottom of the media or right. As the left foot becomes the supporting foot relax your knees and bring your right knee to left knee. On ball of left foot, turn 1 / 2 turn right (into the left foot). Put your left hand on the counter.

Now that is standing with the counter on the left side. Feet together and weightto the ball of left foot.

Take a large step forward with right foot - pressing your foot on the support or the left. As the right foot becomes the supporting foot relax your knees and bring the left knee to right knee. On ball of right foot, turn 1 / 2 turn left (into the right foot). Put your right hand on the counter.

Now you are (as were the beginning of this year) standing with the bar on the right side. Feettogether and the weight of the right foot to the ball.

Repeat the exercise several times in one turn. As you become more proficient with this action to try to do the same thing for rotating the supporting leg straight as you get to work and turn, and relaxing as you are ready to move to the next stop at the end of rotation.

This spinning action is used as a step in the dance as a swing, rumba and cha cha cha. Also "used in the work carried out in turns andwalking becomes armpits. (Each turned inward of the foot and moves back in the same direction comes from inside is actually a spin).

Many dancers were surprised to find this action in the rotation of the models currently in many of the inner rotating dance are also the foundation of the third turn on our list -. Spiral.

Happy Dance

Thanks To : Cheap baby food formula