
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cal Pozo's Partner Dancing 101: Party and Wedding Ready best price !

GT Overview

You don t have to be a dancer to look like one!
Award-winning dancer and choreographer Cal Pozo designed the Partner Dancing 101 series to reveal the secrets of professional dancers sculpted bodies and top-notch conditioning. As a former Broadway dancer and one of America s best known dance and fitness coaches, Pozo has been teaching America to dance for decades. His latest DVD productions include Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance DVD, The Biggest Loser Workout I, II and III and the Let s Dance! book and DVD combo.

Partner Dancing 101: Party & Wedding Ready
Why sit out dancing at parties and weddings when in minutes you can master the signature steps and moves of the traditional party dances: the Foxtrot, the Waltz, the Swing, the Rumba, the Salsa. In addition, you ll learn the most popular line and party dances: the Electric Slide, the Macarena, the Tush Push, and the Boot Scooting Boogie

Whether you ned a beginer dance course or a quick refresher, this DVD condenses the most important points on learning, leading, and folowing dance patterns in a series of easy-to -folow lesons.

Check best price for Cal Pozo's Partner Dancing 101: Party and Wedding Ready and free ship now!.

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Cal Pozo's Partner Dancing 101: Party and Wedding Ready Feature
  • You don t have to be a dancer to look like one! Award-winning dancer and choreographer Cal Pozo designed the Partner Dancing 101 series to reveal the secrets of professional dancers sculpted bodies and top-notch conditioning. As a former Broadway dancer and one of America s best known dance and fitness coaches, Pozo has been teaching America to dance for decades. His latest DVD productions incl

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